Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January 30, 2013

This past week has been hard. I started back at work last Thursday. I can so understand now why some women choose to be stay at home moms. I am glad to be back at work and out of the house for a little but I miss my chubbers so much. I take a lot of comfort in knowing that she's either with Daddy or Grandma (and I know I can call them anytime to get my chubbers update).
Jayda has begun to smile and coo. She's reaching for things (like my hair) and her hands completely amaze her. She now sucks on her bottom lip and makes a smacking noise which I call "blowing kisses." She is on her fifth night in a row of sleeping through the night (since I'm back to work this makes me VERY happy). She is now wearing size 6 months and even those are getting a little short. She's in the 57% for weight and 80% for height. Everyone says she is a beautiful baby and since she is my child I would have to agree with them. We discovered she loves watching her Daddy and Uncle Chris play Mario Cart. I have a feeling she'll be beating them all soon.

It amazes me how I can just sit and watch her sleep and feel total contentment. I remember wanting to run around and do as much as I could in a day. I never really stopped to enjoy. I enjoy her happy times when she's interactive. I enjoy her fussy times when she has no clue what she wants. I enjoy the cuddles and my time that I get to just hold her and love on her. It's amazing to me that it's only been a little over two months since she was born. 

I love my chubbers.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

How to determine an "Epic Blow Out"

How to determine an "epic blow out"

1. If the way you discover the blow out is by someone saying, "what is dripping on my shoes" and noticing a huge brown streak going up your child's back. (This happened to my husband but how he didn't get ANYTHING on himself is still astounding to me)

2. You discover there is no way to hold your child that does not get some poo on you.

3. The lady is the women's bathroom washing her hands at the sink stops suddenly upon seeing the saturated state of your little angel and  pulls down the changing table for you without even stopping to dry her hands.

4. You have to come up with a plan to get the soiled outfit off of your daughter without spreading it anymore and wishing for some scissors to just cut off the outfit like they do in the ER.

5. You actually contemplate giving her a mini bath in the bathroom sink.

6. Your amazing mother comes in and calls it a "4-hander" and assists you in stretching the neck of the outfit to drag it down your child's body, not over her head.

7. You rinse the outfit in the sink only to realize that it's not worth it and end up throwing it away and you don't feel bad about it one bit.

8. The whole time your child is being changed people keep coming up saying to your child in such sweet tones, "You must feel so much better."

9. Your little angel lays there the whole time with a look of obvious relief as you pull out the spare outfit (that is, of course, not as cute as the original outfit).

10. You feel the need to clean the changing table.

I love my little chubbers.

Did I mention she does NOT LIKE HATS OR HEADBANDS?!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January 2, 2013

Today we ventured out into the crazy retail world of Target. (Life is rough if you run out of milk storage bags.) It was in the infant aisle where Jayda started getting fussy and making some noise. (By noise I mean straight out banshee scream that made people stop and look to see what in the world could scream at such a high octave.) I tried the pacifier, that helped for only 3 seconds and the wailing continued. I thought I was going to have to take her out of the car seat (not too enthusiastic about that) when suddenly she turned a lovely shade of red and let one rip and then passed right out. The pregnant lady and her significant other who were in the same aisle as me registering for their baby started laughing. I had to admit that I was laughing as well. This started a lovely conversation with perfect strangers about infant gas, diapers, bottles, pumps, nursing and many other things. 

It's amazing to me how a little infant (with some serious gas issues) can spark such a wonderful conversation with perfect strangers. Happy to say we survived the gas explosion, met some wonderful new parents to be, got a good supply of bags (should last me a month) and changed a nasty diaper. Mission accomplished.

All clean.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January 1, 2013

So far 2013 has been an interesting year. Last night was the first night I gave my little bundle over to someone else and went out with my husband and some great friends. Just thinking that my tiny six week old was with her Mimi made me feel better. It was interesting to not have her in the same building as me. That was the longest time we had been separated it felt both good and horribly wrong. I look back and laugh at it now but at the time it was so surprising how attach I have become to this little being that God has blessed me with. Becoming a mother has truly taken the selfish aspect out of my life. I think about her constantly and can't fathom what life would be like without her.

As I look into my living room and still see all our Christmas decorations (hey, I'm a new mom to a six week old baby, sleep takes precedent over removing the needle shedding Christmas tree) I think back on all that happened over the holiday season. So much time with family and friends. We made it to all the family get togethers (yes, I am patting myself on the back) and got to enjoy some great times with friends as well. Jayda was passed around, awed over and cooed at so much. (How could you not coo and cuddle with this little chubby cheek angel?) She graciously accepted all the attention and love with that blank new born look on her face and just concentrated on filling her stomach and diaper.

She is just beginning to smile and coo back at me now. Daddy has yet to be graced with a smile, much to his dismay, but he keeps trying. I have a feeling as soon as she intentionally smiles at him he'll truly be sunk. But who am I to talk? I'm already head over heels in love.

I received a wonderful calendar from my Mom for Christmas about being a parent and today's note really made me stop and think. The first sentence says, "Our children's lives don't ever have to be left to chance." How interesting is that? It was not just chance that God blessed me with the family I have. It was not just chance that God blessed me with my wonderful husband. It was not just chance that God blessed me with my wonderful daughter. Nothing in my life is up to chance and it is so true for my child. There is plan and purpose for everything. I wanted to start writing this blog for two reasons.

Reason one: to talk about my daughter. What person wouldn't want to talk about their child's milestones, especially one so stinking cute? (ok.. ok... just a little biased here)

Reason two: To focus on what God is doing in my life and his purpose in my life.

I have a feeling my life is going to be getting busier and busier and this is a good way to take a moment and focus on what is truly important. I hope as you read my posts it helps you to take a moment and focus on what is important in your life and gives you a chance to smile and laugh.

                                                                      Tub Time

Puppy Love