Friday, February 15, 2013

February 15, 2013 (93 days and counting!)

Today I read an interesting fact. From the time your baby is born to the time they turn 18 there will be 940 Saturdays.  My first reaction to that was how in the world did someone figure that out? I hate math and barely survived it in high school and college so I'll leave the mathematics to ANYONE else. Then I began to wonder why someone would even want to know that kind of information. It kind of dawned on me that I already count the days since my child graced this world. You ask any mother and they can tell you exactly what day and time their little one came a squalling into this world. I can honestly say that Wednesday November 14, 2012 at 9:30 am I had the biggest life changing experience I believe I will ever have. I don't like the idea of counting down till she's 18. I like counting everyday she has been in my life and watching the numbers stack up. I know that when we reached the 940th Saturday I will feel the same way I do now. Granted, she'll be a teenager and that thought absolutely terrifies me but I can't view my little chubbers any other way.

Since yesterday Jayda has been a part of our lives for 3 months. She is now jabbering away and smiling at basically anything. She has discovered her hands and finds them completely fascinating. I love watching her eyes cross as she focuses on her little chubby fist. She is sleeping through the night (Thank God!!) and is a great baby. She is very good at blowing out diapers and I have a pail of oxiclean alwaysat the ready. She is now drooling like a St Bernard and sticking her tongue out. Her smile are contagious and her chuckles are magic. I love my little chubbers!

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