"Lord, thank you that I can partner with you in raising my child and that I don't have to do it alone..."
I look at all the people in Jayda's life. It's amazing how many individuals there are that will impact my daughter's life. She has such a wonderful amount of people surrounding her. I am grateful I don't have to do this alone and have the support of such wonderful people and the One who gave me my wonderful daughter. I take immense comfort in knowing that she will never be alone. She is loved.
So far 2013 has had it's ups and downs and I know Jayda was given to me at a time when I needed her. She keeps my hopes and strength up. I will do whatever I need to do for my daughter and husband. Her attitude is expanding day by day. She is getting some red hair so I know she gets that from her Daddy's side. People are now saying she is looking more and more like him which I know delights my husband to no end. Hopefully she gets some of my genetics for skin tone so I'm not chasing both her and my husband with SPF100 this summer. With the red hair and all I have a feeling I should buy stock in Coppertone.
Love my chubbers.