Jayda has begun to smile and coo. She's reaching for things (like my hair) and her hands completely amaze her. She now sucks on her bottom lip and makes a smacking noise which I call "blowing kisses." She is on her fifth night in a row of sleeping through the night (since I'm back to work this makes me VERY happy). She is now wearing size 6 months and even those are getting a little short. She's in the 57% for weight and 80% for height. Everyone says she is a beautiful baby and since she is my child I would have to agree with them. We discovered she loves watching her Daddy and Uncle Chris play Mario Cart. I have a feeling she'll be beating them all soon.
It amazes me how I can just sit and watch her sleep and feel total contentment. I remember wanting to run around and do as much as I could in a day. I never really stopped to enjoy. I enjoy her happy times when she's interactive. I enjoy her fussy times when she has no clue what she wants. I enjoy the cuddles and my time that I get to just hold her and love on her. It's amazing to me that it's only been a little over two months since she was born.
I love my chubbers.